Chapter 7: Data Validation and Request Processing
7.1 Introduction to Data Validation and Request Processing
Data validation is a crucial aspect of API development to ensure the integrity and security of the data being processed. In this chapter, we will explore how to implement input validation using data annotations, handle model state validation, work with complex request objects, and validate request headers and content types.
7.2 Implementing Input Validation Using Data Annotations
ASP.NET Core provides a set of data annotations that you can use to implement input validation on your API endpoints. These annotations allow you to define validation rules for properties in your request models.
For example, you can use the [Required]
attribute to indicate that a property is required, or the [StringLength]
attribute to specify a maximum length for a string property.
Here’s an example of using data annotations for input validation:
public class CreateUserRequest
public string Username { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
In this example, the Username
and Email
properties in the CreateUserRequest
class are annotated with [Required]
and [EmailAddress]
attributes, respectively. These annotations enforce that the Username
and Email
properties must have values and that the Email
property must be a valid email address.
7.3 Handling Model State Validation
After applying data annotations to your request models, you need to validate the incoming data in your API endpoints. ASP.NET Core automatically performs model state validation based on the applied annotations.
To check if the model state is valid, you can use the ModelState.IsValid
property. If the model state is invalid, you can retrieve the validation errors and return an appropriate response.
Here’s an example of handling model state validation:
public IActionResult CreateUser([FromBody] CreateUserRequest request)
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
var errors = ModelState.Values
.SelectMany(v => v.Errors)
.Select(e => e.ErrorMessage);
return BadRequest(errors);
// Process the valid request and create a new user
// ...
In this example, the CreateUser
action method receives a CreateUserRequest
object in the request body. If the model state is invalid, the validation errors are extracted from the model state and returned as a BadRequest
7.4 Handling Complex Request Objects
Sometimes, API endpoints may require complex request objects with nested properties or collections. In such cases, you can apply data annotations to the nested properties or create separate request models to handle the complex structure.
Here’s an example of handling a complex request object:
public class CreateOrderRequest
public string CustomerName { get; set; }
public List<LineItem> LineItems { get; set; }
public class LineItem
public string ProductName { get; set; }
[Range(1, int.MaxValue)]
public int Quantity { get; set; }
public IActionResult CreateOrder([FromBody] CreateOrderRequest request)
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
var errors = ModelState.Values
.SelectMany(v => v.Errors)
.Select(e => e.ErrorMessage);
return BadRequest(errors);
// Process the valid request and create the order
// ...
In this example, the CreateOrderRequest
class represents a complex request object for creating an order. It contains a CustomerName
property and a list of LineItems
, each with a ProductName
and Quantity
. Data annotations such as [Required] and
[Range] are applied to ensure the validity of the input.
7.5 Working with Query Parameters and URL Segments
In addition to validating request body data, you may also need to validate query parameters or URL segments. ASP.NET Core provides various mechanisms to retrieve and validate these values.
For query parameters, you can use the [FromQuery]
attribute to bind them to method parameters. Then, you can apply data annotations to these parameters to enforce validation rules.
For URL segments, you can use route parameters defined in your route templates. You can apply data annotations directly to these route parameters to validate them.
Here’s an example of working with query parameters and URL segments:
public IActionResult GetProduct([FromQuery] int productId)
// Validate the productId parameter
if (productId <= 0)
return BadRequest("Invalid productId");
// Retrieve and return the product
// ...
public IActionResult GetProductsByCategory([FromRoute] int categoryId)
// Validate the categoryId route parameter
if (categoryId <= 0)
return BadRequest("Invalid categoryId");
// Retrieve and return the products by category
// ...
In this example, the GetProduct
action method retrieves a product based on the productId
query parameter. The parameter is validated, and if it is invalid, a BadRequest
response is returned.
The GetProductsByCategory
action method retrieves products based on the categoryId
route parameter. Again, the parameter is validated, and if it is invalid, a BadRequest
response is returned.
7.6 Validating Request Headers and Content Types
Apart from validating request body data, you may also need to validate request headers or content types. This ensures that the incoming requests meet certain requirements or adhere to specific formats.
To validate request headers, you can access them through the HttpContext.Request.Headers
property and perform the necessary validations.
To validate content types, you can use the [Consumes]
attribute to specify the supported content types for an action or controller. When a request is received, ASP.NET Core will automatically validate the content type against the specified options.
Here’s an example of validating request headers and content types:
public IActionResult GetData()
// Validate the request headers
var acceptHeader = HttpContext.Request.Headers["Accept"];
if (!acceptHeader.Contains("application/json"))
return StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status406NotAcceptable, "Only JSON response is supported");
// Retrieve and return the data
// ...
In this example, the GetData
action method validates the Accept
header to ensure that the client expects a JSON response. If the header does not contain the specified content type, a 406 Not Acceptable
response is returned.
7.7 Real-Life Practical Use of Data Validation and Request Processing
Data validation and request processing are essential for maintaining the integrity and security of your API. By implementing input validation using data annotations, handling model state validation, working with complex request objects, and validating request headers and content types, you can ensure that the incoming data meets the required criteria.
These practices help improve the overall reliability, security, and usability of your ASP.NET Core API.